A Pilgrimage, A Life Update by Marie Rolfe
The moment I heard of the Spanish Pilgrimage, Camino de Santiago, I wanted to do it. I would have ditched everything in my life at the moment I learned about the walk. I couldn't wait to get on a plane to Paris and take a train across to the start, feeling the buzz of a filled boxcar of pilgrims. I have been wishing and hoping to do it for six years.
This past Thursday I got an email from a friend, Heidi, about her Southern Ontario pilgrimage of 270km coming up Wednesday morning to which I said, “Amazing, of course! Yea! Why can't we do pilgrimages on our own land? For ourselves. By ourselves, or even with others. Why does it have to be the .BIG' one, or the one that everyone else does?” At this moment of celebration I had a vision of a map of North America with thousands of people walking out of their front doors going on beautiful walks out into their communities, walking their own spiritual paths with their own intentions and connecting with nature and people around them.
In this vision I also saw how equally beautiful it is for thousands of people to walk in Spain or in Israel and to other sacred sites across the world in the thousands, each walking the same roads, but each person holding their own intentions, seeing different things, having different thoughts and perceptions, but each person equally supported by the simple and absolutely AWEsome fact that there are thousands and thousands of
individuals walking their own paths having their own journeys!
So I've realized that I will always be alone on my path, having my own journeys but I get to be in a shared space with others walking their own paths. And in this space lies the magic, the sharing, the abundance of experience! And so I also realize that Heidi doesn't have to walk alone, and neither do I. Yesterday I freely chose to walk 270km over 17 days! This is a spiritual walk, it is an invitation, it is a commitment, a time to
weave my soul's purpose more fully into life. This is a walk along the Maitland River, which has many beginnings and ends in Goderich, this Water Walk is rooted in listening to the water of the river, of our own water, our own elements. It is a Water Walk. It begins Wednesday June 9th at 4:45am when we rise. It will end Friday June 25th when we arrive in Goderich. But we also recognize it will still just be the beginning!
A Spiritual Walk
It's about allowing my spirit to infuse me, my community, my life. It's about allowing the spirits of my community to infuse me, to teach me, and ultimately give us permission to live in harmony. It's a time to play, dance, sing, retreat inward, learn and allow things to unfold in ways that are for the greatest good.
An Invitation
This is an invitation for ME and YOU to wake up. Literally at 4:45am, and metaphorically for what we have always wanted to do!!! Choose something that you have always wanted to do in your life. And do it for 17 days with us. You will know and feel that you alone will walk your path and have your own journeys but that you are sharing space with others. You are sharing space with all of us walking our own journeys with lots of
common roads, and WATERS. Walk with us. Literally or metaphorically, join us this Wednesday at 4:45am we will open our eyes, moan and groan until we realize that we get to do exactly what we've always wanted to, walk our own path!
The invitation:
Do what you've always wanted to do for 17 days
Wake up at 4:45am
Connect with us on our walk - walk with us 1 hour, 1 day or all 17 days for 1 hour and all hours
Connect with people in your life who will support you doing what you've always wanted to do
Celebrate with us on Friday June 25th in the late afternoon in spirit or in person in Goderich
Share with us what you hear from the water, your water, the teachings that come along your own journey, and walking your path
Know that on day 17 it will also be a beginning
A Commitment
For 17 days this month I commit to doing things I've always wanted to do:
Walk a pilgrimage
Do yoga each morning
Continue writing my novel by finishing editing draft 1 and have a draft 2 on June25th
Eat completely naturally with fruits, vegetables, legumes and meat when essential,all without any salt or refined food
Listen to spirit, to the water, and what is for my greatest good and subsequently understand that in doing so I am doing what is in the greatest good for the world
Be gratitude
Embrace with love all my experiences and those of my community
Weaving my soul's purpose more fully into life
Knowing what my soul's purpose has taken a long time to understand and my understanding and experience of it shifts and transforms as I change. Ultimately it involves following my heart, doing what seems most joyous and celebratory of life.
Sometimes this involves fasting for a month, or dancing for three nights in a row, or walking 270km in 17 days. Grueling pain or challenge can also be a fun adventure. Light and fluffy is only one aspect of life and I have chosen to embrace all of life. This embrace, this holding of space is my soul's purpose. And this walk is an opportunity to weave this more deeply into life.
A Water Walk
Walking the Maitland River is what Heidi and I are beginning at 4:45am Wednesday. We are also honouring the Queen snake which is an endangered species. Heidi has created a knitting pattern that is for sale, the $5 it costs for the pattern will go towards supporting the Water Walk. Heidi speaks of the Water Walk and her beginnings on the website that will be a part of documenting this journey.
SUPPORT the Water Walk and our steps & journeys!
I only knew officially today (3 days before the walk) that I would walk. That I would be supporting Heidi, that she would be supporting me. That we would support the earth and our community together walking in gratitude and openness. We invite you to support us. We are not asking you. This is YOUR celebration as much as it is ours, and we are all an important part of the celebration of our shared space, our shared waters.
In order of what is most urgently needed from a material standpoint, here is a list on how you can support the Water Walk and our steps & journeys.
Material support needed
1. A car - donate the car that usually sits in your driveway for 17 days, donate points forus to rent one, donate money for us to rent one *We need one by Tuesday afternoon :)
2. A driver (or more than one) - donate your time and/or car to pick us up and drop usoff - there is a timetable on the website below. Drive one day or all 17.
3. A documentarian - hopefully this would also be a person who is driving us :) we aregoing to document this Water Walk and our personal experiences
4. Money donations for necessities like food & water (we won't be working foralmost three weeks) there's a donation button on Heidi's website!
5. Food & Water - if you would like to cook meals for us and deliver them to me before I leave Tuesday afternoon or to Heidi's house in Listowel, let us know.
6. Healing Services - massage therapy, MAT, reflexology, energy work etc. If you can heal, we will welcome it
Non-material support
7. Your own commitment to walk your path, your own journey (physically and spiritually)
8. Your best wishes, blessings and good intentions
9. Your physical time walking with us 1 hour, 1 day, all 17 days...
10 Sharing with us on the blog the things that you are doing, and that you have learned from this adventure!
Celebrating our water, our journeys, our community June 25th!!
On the beach in Goderich we will have a closing ceremony. Come Celebrate!
HEIDI'S BLOG where you can follow the Water Walk, Where you can join us and support us all!