
Monday, June 14, 2010

Summary of Day 4 ~ june 14th, 2010

We started out the day by having breakfast with mom, then went trespassing on property that had a sign saying 'danger. deep water. keep out.' Marie noted how symoblic that was, especially since I was very uncomfortable with trespassing. It felt really important to go and visit this water though. It seems like this water might be irrigation water. It is very easy to see on the Google Maps.

This day was off to a slow start as we both slept in well past the alarm, and I was very sore and tired from the previous walking days, right from the beginning of the day. It seemed as though I was beginning today at the same level of tired that I was yesterday at km 19. I got a new blister yesterday, on my left foot, right at the base of my second toe, and it is much bigger today, and right now it hurts. I am hoping that it pops over night, because it feels like it is close to popping. So, the walking was very, very slow today, 1.5 km seemed like about 4 km felt on the first day.

My medial right knee is also feeling pain. We found where the beginning of the river started, (well very close), and did a journey there which I recorded onto my phone, and will send the mp3 soon to my files. I found a new stick, it is very big. It is a tall staff, and I walked with it for a while. It took me about an hour to begin to sense what this stick was. It feels as though this stick is the Male Maitland energy, also Kralojec, and that it represents the male in me, in a physical form. It was helpful to lean on this stick, and to be able to let this stick help me up and down hills. (eg. ditches).  The cows did not seem to pay too much attention to me today, but the birds were flying all around me at the rivers. It was fantastic. I felt like I was part of their family. This first 4 days seems to have been about letting things go, and I feel that soon we will have a funeral ceremony, and I feel like it will happen in a cemetary.   I have been working on letting go of the way that I am in my community. I have felt like I shouldn't bring too much attention to myself here because I owe some people in this community money, and that they would point me out, and say, look at her, she shouldn't be doing that, she owes me money. I also have had a great amount of shame over the fact that until this point in my life, I have been financially poor. There is no shame in that, and I certainly don't need to hide because of it.

A song came that has no words yet, but I feel that they will come, I recorded the tune, and I think it will be pretty rockin'. Due to pain, and lack of sleep over the last few days, also because so much seemed to be accomplished today, and spirit was not disagreeing, the walk stopped at 12 km. I am going to sleep now, and tomorrow will walk beginning at the Maitland river close to Henfryn. This was certainly a full and beautiful day.

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