
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Some words of wisdom coming through Maryann ~ resting day June 19 2010

"Smile ... this is what i re-learned today ... sometimes we are anxious about something in the future - and it doesn't even occur ... the anxiety was for no reason and our emotions can betray us ... we mistakenly emit an anxious or fearful energy 'thinking' that we know what the future will hold ... and we do not know ...

ah, to live fully in the moment that we are actually in ... "

Thanks Maryann for re-minding me of this.  Of course I made it home okay yesterday, and really had nothing to worry about yesterday morning.

Today is a resting day, and so far what has helped me the most is listening to the Waterboys.  I had never heard this song before, but found it this morning.  I would like to share it with you.

The next 6 days are walking days, and so these words are important to remember at this time.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Heading out into the unknown ~ Friday, June 18th, 2010 Day 7

This morning I am a little scared.  I don't know yet how I will be returning home this evening.  I know that I am going out, and will be walking, but don't have the details worked out yet for how I will arrive home at the end of the walking day, and it is hard to work out this kind of stuff when you're out walking on the side of the road. 

Yesterday, I brought my cart with me, and was glad to have all of the things that I had, but I am wondering today if I could bring just a backpack, and my walking stick.  I will have to see.
It certainly is much easier to travel light.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summary of Day 4 ~ june 14th, 2010

We started out the day by having breakfast with mom, then went trespassing on property that had a sign saying 'danger. deep water. keep out.' Marie noted how symoblic that was, especially since I was very uncomfortable with trespassing. It felt really important to go and visit this water though. It seems like this water might be irrigation water. It is very easy to see on the Google Maps.

This day was off to a slow start as we both slept in well past the alarm, and I was very sore and tired from the previous walking days, right from the beginning of the day. It seemed as though I was beginning today at the same level of tired that I was yesterday at km 19. I got a new blister yesterday, on my left foot, right at the base of my second toe, and it is much bigger today, and right now it hurts. I am hoping that it pops over night, because it feels like it is close to popping. So, the walking was very, very slow today, 1.5 km seemed like about 4 km felt on the first day.

My medial right knee is also feeling pain. We found where the beginning of the river started, (well very close), and did a journey there which I recorded onto my phone, and will send the mp3 soon to my files. I found a new stick, it is very big. It is a tall staff, and I walked with it for a while. It took me about an hour to begin to sense what this stick was. It feels as though this stick is the Male Maitland energy, also Kralojec, and that it represents the male in me, in a physical form. It was helpful to lean on this stick, and to be able to let this stick help me up and down hills. (eg. ditches).  The cows did not seem to pay too much attention to me today, but the birds were flying all around me at the rivers. It was fantastic. I felt like I was part of their family. This first 4 days seems to have been about letting things go, and I feel that soon we will have a funeral ceremony, and I feel like it will happen in a cemetary.   I have been working on letting go of the way that I am in my community. I have felt like I shouldn't bring too much attention to myself here because I owe some people in this community money, and that they would point me out, and say, look at her, she shouldn't be doing that, she owes me money. I also have had a great amount of shame over the fact that until this point in my life, I have been financially poor. There is no shame in that, and I certainly don't need to hide because of it.

A song came that has no words yet, but I feel that they will come, I recorded the tune, and I think it will be pretty rockin'. Due to pain, and lack of sleep over the last few days, also because so much seemed to be accomplished today, and spirit was not disagreeing, the walk stopped at 12 km. I am going to sleep now, and tomorrow will walk beginning at the Maitland river close to Henfryn. This was certainly a full and beautiful day.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Support the Walk ~ Buy a tshirt! Early morning day 3 June 13, 2010

I woke up at 4 am this morning, with a tremendous urge to design a cafe press tshirt that would sell to help support this Water Walk.  It is now 5:18 am, and there are shirts and some other goodies available to purchase at .   I am going to try to get another hour of sleep now before it is time to wake up for the day, and walk 22 km.  So far, I am at about 4 hours sleep, and I am wondering what that might mean for today.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some notes on day 1 ~ June 9th 2010 from Marie

by Marie Rolfe

At the end of day 1 and 22km walking with my friend and sister Heidi, we hopped into the car and I immediately felt as though my umbilical chord to nature, to the earth was pinched. We could no longer smell all the different flowers that filled the air through the intense moisture of the air, that we could also feel while walking (and being soaking wet for 9 hours!) It must be possible to stay connected with nature while in a moving vehicle, but it seemed so hard to picture a similar connection with the earth while moving so quickly by everything, plus I was tired and thinking wasn't the easiest thing to do.

During our first day walking we were called to walk down the dump and consider 'garbage' in new ways. The street leading to the dump was gravel but it was covered and coated in sand and dirt but a colour that was completely different than any road we walked or saw all day. It was as though it was a cushion, a cloud, a smooth gentle surface of what seemed to be like coffee ice cream. If you could picture ice cream being warm and maintaining it's form it felt like we were walking on smooth, creamy, warm coffee ice cream. (I realize that it's a hard concept to grasp - warm ice cream that isn't melted but keeps its form.) But our feet felt carried and supported so gently on this road as we were about to go on a journey into our garbage.

Not too long after we found a turkey vulture feather and spent time by the dump, we encountered a sunken swamp off highway 87. Driving by it would likely be missed, but it was about 30m wide by 120m in length. There were lily pads, fallen trees, floating logs, weeds growing through the top of the water. It looked just like a Louisiana Bayou. With trucks whizzing by our backs as we faced the swamp, I contemplated how the swamp was also a dumping ground but full of life, a place of collection and yet so important. It was here where I had a ring to give to Heidi, a green emerald to which she said it looked just like a canoe. When she said this the following question came up: Imagining you are on a canoe on this swamp, you peer over the edge into the water, how do you see yourself? I invite you to go to a swamp on a canoe and ask yourself this question.

Day 1 ~ Some thoughts on beginnings ~ June 9th, 2010

We began this journey at the cemetary in Harriston, and it seemed as though cemetaries would be our symbolic points throughout the day.
It felt really appropriate, as I feel that I will be a different person by the end of this walk.  Who I was at the beginning will have died, and a new Heidi Burrowes will taken her place at the end of this journey.
I was nervous, and excited because I have been planning this adventure for a long time, and because it feels like an important step for me to take.  I am also nervous because I want to listen to the river, and what if the river has nothing to say?  Wouldn't I look like a fool then! 
I knew in my bones that the river would speak, but it was still a fear that I had in that moment.

In the photo above we are standing in front of a 'doorway' on to the trail.  It is a very small entrance, and leads to a beautiful bush area.  It was quite amusing to enter because immediately we hit a fork in the trail, and had to make a decision of which way to go.  We decided to go left, down a hill, and through a lot of trees that were hanging on to the trail.  Marie went first, and was greeted by many lovely spider webs. 

We realized after a minute that we could have taken the path to the right, because, of course, they became one trail again soon.
Before leaving Harriston, we had to stop to have a pee, and we found a restaurant, Susie's Eight Ball Grill.
A sign on the door said, 'washrooms are for customers only', and listed the community centre as a place where there were public washrooms.  It was before 8 am, and I really didn't want to do any back tracking.  We weren't really hungry either.  So, we went in, and they were nice enough to let us use the restrooms before we left town.
Stopping on the bridge close to the edge of town, we decided to make an offering to the river, and to unveil the spirits.  Marie felt like spinning and so I was the safety lady, ensuring the she didn't end up on the road, or bang into anything that might cause her harm.  Of course, she didn't, and she looked very beautiful spinning on the bridge, in the rain, early in the morning.    It was so unusual for me because I didn't feel odd performing a ceremony on the sidewalk, even though cars and trucks were whizzing past.  It was like we were creating our own little world, and it didn't really matter what others might think at that moment.
As Marie was finishing, a woman came by and said, 'gee, you must have had something different in your coffee this morning than I had!".
We headed off, leaving behind all of the problems we had been carrying on our backs, ready to hit the road, with no one else's baggage, fully and completed in our own walk 270 kms, listening to the Maitland River.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Water Walk ~ Day 2 ~ June 11, 2010

Wow! Day 1 finished, and we were not in too bad of shape. 22 km and I had 1 small blister, and a toenail that came off not so nicely. There are many stories to tell from day 1, and as soon as I get time to blog some of them, I will, but this morning, we are preparing to head out for day 2. This day will be a shorter walk, clocking in at about 12-13 km.

Today feels very much like a day to connect with my ancestors, so as I begin to prepare to step out the door, I am inviting you to join, and spend some time today sitting with this question, "How have my ancestors contributed to who I am today?"

See you in 12 kms!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Morning ~ day 1 Maitland Water Walk

Well, we sure are off to a watery start to the day.  Running a little bit late, as I am writing this at 5:25 am, and I had hoped that we would be nearing our destination by this point.  We have decided to just bring our packs, and not the video camera's along, so I guess that we will be recording today's events in other ways.  I am sure it will be perfect!

Colin is driving us today, and I am very thankful that he is!

Today, it looks as though we are giving up our comfort and our dryness.  What are you going to let go of so that you can make room for new dreams to unfold?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gearing up for tomorrow!

Tomorrow, the walk that I have been dreaming about for 9 months begins!  Lots of emotions have been coming up this week, it seems like there is still so much to do, though so much have transpired since Sunday, when Marie decided that she would be joining me on this adventure.  I know that we will be as ready as we need to be, and whatever is not ready, we will find a way to not need. 

Last night, I had a phone interview with a news reporter from a local paper, and late last week was an interview with a different reporter.  A local tv station is going to try to be out and find us tomorrow as we are on the road.  I am so amazed, thrilled, and full of thankfulness
Soon, the prep will be over, and we will be out on the road, being open, and listening to the Maitland River.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Welcome Marie Rolfe to the Maitland Water Walk ~ a note from Marie

A Pilgrimage, A Life Update by Marie Rolfe

The moment I heard of the Spanish Pilgrimage, Camino de Santiago, I wanted to do it. I would have ditched everything in my life at the moment I learned about the walk. I couldn't wait to get on a plane to Paris and take a train across to the start, feeling the buzz of a filled boxcar of pilgrims. I have been wishing and hoping to do it for six years.

This past Thursday I got an email from a friend, Heidi, about her Southern Ontario pilgrimage of 270km coming up Wednesday morning to which I said, “Amazing, of course! Yea! Why can't we do pilgrimages on our own land? For ourselves. By ourselves, or even with others. Why does it have to be the .BIG' one, or the one that everyone else does?” At this moment of celebration I had a vision of a map of North America with thousands of people walking out of their front doors going on beautiful walks out into their communities, walking their own spiritual paths with their own intentions and connecting with nature and people around them.

In this vision I also saw how equally beautiful it is for thousands of people to walk in Spain or in Israel and to other sacred sites across the world in the thousands, each walking the same roads, but each person holding their own intentions, seeing different things, having different thoughts and perceptions, but each person equally supported by the simple and absolutely AWEsome fact that there are thousands and thousands of
individuals walking their own paths having their own journeys!

So I've realized that I will always be alone on my path, having my own journeys but I get to be in a shared space with others walking their own paths. And in this space lies the magic, the sharing, the abundance of experience! And so I also realize that Heidi doesn't have to walk alone, and neither do I. Yesterday I freely chose to walk 270km over 17 days! This is a spiritual walk, it is an invitation, it is a commitment, a time to
weave my soul's purpose more fully into life. This is a walk along the Maitland River, which has many beginnings and ends in Goderich, this Water Walk is rooted in listening to the water of the river, of our own water, our own elements. It is a Water Walk. It begins Wednesday June 9th at 4:45am when we rise. It will end Friday June 25th when we arrive in Goderich. But we also recognize it will still just be the beginning!

A Spiritual Walk

It's about allowing my spirit to infuse me, my community, my life. It's about allowing the spirits of my community to infuse me, to teach me, and ultimately give us permission to live in harmony. It's a time to play, dance, sing, retreat inward, learn and allow things to unfold in ways that are for the greatest good.

An Invitation

This is an invitation for ME and YOU to wake up. Literally at 4:45am, and metaphorically for what we have always wanted to do!!! Choose something that you have always wanted to do in your life. And do it for 17 days with us. You will know and feel that you alone will walk your path and have your own journeys but that you are sharing space with others. You are sharing space with all of us walking our own journeys with lots of
common roads, and WATERS. Walk with us. Literally or metaphorically, join us this Wednesday at 4:45am we will open our eyes, moan and groan until we realize that we get to do exactly what we've always wanted to, walk our own path!

The invitation:

Do what you've always wanted to do for 17 days
Wake up at 4:45am
Connect with us on our walk - walk with us 1 hour, 1 day or all 17 days for 1 hour and all hours
Connect with people in your life who will support you doing what you've always wanted to do

Celebrate with us on Friday June 25th in the late afternoon in spirit or in person in Goderich

Share with us what you hear from the water, your water, the teachings that come along your own journey, and walking your path
Know that on day 17 it will also be a beginning

A Commitment

For 17 days this month I commit to doing things I've always wanted to do:
Walk a pilgrimage
Do yoga each morning
Continue writing my novel by finishing editing draft 1 and have a draft 2 on June25th
Eat completely naturally with fruits, vegetables, legumes and meat when essential,all without any salt or refined food
Listen to spirit, to the water, and what is for my greatest good and subsequently understand that in doing so I am doing what is in the greatest good for the world
Be gratitude
Embrace with love all my experiences and those of my community
Weaving my soul's purpose more fully into life

Knowing what my soul's purpose has taken a long time to understand and my understanding and experience of it shifts and transforms as I change. Ultimately it involves following my heart, doing what seems most joyous and celebratory of life.

Sometimes this involves fasting for a month, or dancing for three nights in a row, or walking 270km in 17 days. Grueling pain or challenge can also be a fun adventure.  Light and fluffy is only one aspect of life and I have chosen to embrace all of life. This embrace, this holding of space is my soul's purpose. And this walk is an opportunity to weave this more deeply into life.

A Water Walk

Walking the Maitland River is what Heidi and I are beginning at 4:45am Wednesday. We are also honouring the Queen snake which is an endangered species. Heidi has created a knitting pattern that is for sale, the $5 it costs for the pattern will go towards supporting the Water Walk. Heidi speaks of the Water Walk and her beginnings on the website that will be a part of documenting this journey.

SUPPORT the Water Walk and our steps & journeys!

I only knew officially today (3 days before the walk) that I would walk. That I would be supporting Heidi, that she would be supporting me. That we would support the earth and our community together walking in gratitude and openness. We invite you to support us. We are not asking you. This is YOUR celebration as much as it is ours, and we are all an important part of the celebration of our shared space, our shared waters.

In order of what is most urgently needed from a material standpoint, here is a list on how you can support the Water Walk and our steps & journeys.

Material support needed

1. A car - donate the car that usually sits in your driveway for 17 days, donate points forus to rent one, donate money for us to rent one *We need one by Tuesday afternoon :)
2. A driver (or more than one) - donate your time and/or car to pick us up and drop usoff - there is a timetable on the website below. Drive one day or all 17.
3. A documentarian - hopefully this would also be a person who is driving us :) we aregoing to document this Water Walk and our personal experiences
4. Money donations for necessities like food & water (we won't be working foralmost three weeks) there's a donation button on Heidi's website!
5. Food & Water - if you would like to cook meals for us and deliver them to me before I leave Tuesday afternoon or to Heidi's house in Listowel, let us know.
6. Healing Services - massage therapy, MAT, reflexology, energy work etc. If you can heal, we will welcome it

Non-material support

7. Your own commitment to walk your path, your own journey (physically and spiritually)
8. Your best wishes, blessings and good intentions
9. Your physical time walking with us 1 hour, 1 day, all 17 days...
10 Sharing with us on the blog the things that you are doing, and that you have learned from this adventure!

Celebrating our water, our journeys, our community June 25th!!

On the beach in Goderich we will have a closing ceremony. Come Celebrate!

HEIDI'S BLOG where you can follow the Water Walk, Where you can join us and support us all!

Water Walk support team needed!

There are some available spots for a support team for the Maitland River Water Walk, beginning this Wednesday!!!  Everything is coming together, and there is so much excitement!

Perhaps you would like to get involved, but don't have 2 and a half weeks to spend walking.  Supporting the walker(s) through driving to and from daily starting points is a noble way to help out, and we would be very grateful!

There is a spreadsheet here that so you can have a look and see what days would be the best for you to help out. 

Friday, June 4, 2010


During times when I am about to enter some deep spiritual work, things inside of me begin to shift around.  I become more emotional, and I seem to get tremendously thirsty for water.  This week has been full with many things, and I find that I am worried about how much there still is to do to prepare for the walk.  There are only a few days left, and the butterflies are fluttering in my belly.

Therefore, it feels like an important time to start to mention all the people that I am thankful for.  These people have shown support for this walk, or have shown support for me, and I want to take some time to acknowledge.  I may forget a few, but this will probably not be the last gratitude posting.

To you, thank you for the support that you have shown me:

and thank you for spending most of
your days with me, and loving me
I know there are many more people that should be on here, this list will continue to grow!