
Friday, May 28, 2010

This is a spiritual walk

During the preparation for my walking adventure in June, I have struggled with many things.  One of these things is that I had been trying to create an agenda, and a 'platform'.  What was I going to say to people about why I was walking?  What was there about the water that needed help?  How was I proposing that we help?  What is the science behind water pollution?  What effect is climate change going to have on our local water supply?

When describing these concerns with my friend, Maria, she asked me what I wanted this walk to be.  Based on the shamanic journeys that I had done, I knew that I wanted this walk to be a spiritual walk, and that I didn't need to talk much during it.  I needed to listen and share with others the things that I would hear.

"Well", she said, "leave the science to the scientists.  Leave the environment to the environmentalists.  Make this a spiritual walk."

Well said, Maria, and thank you very much!

I have been nudged by spirit quite a bit this week that I have been too focused on this being a 270 km walk. Presenting it this way made it easy to explain, and easy for people of all belief systems to grab onto, and to share with other people.  However, I have been reminded to remember the purpose of this adventure, which is to listen to the water, and share what I learn.

If I am focused on completing a certain amount of kms per day, then it may be harder for me to listen to the I must remain open. So, here are the boundaries that I am setting to work within.

I will do my best to be up and on the road at 5:30 am each day that I am adventuring. I would like to begin in Harriston, and end in Goderich. I need to be home by 4 pm, with my errands run, so that I can spend the time in the evening with my family, and to prepare for the next day. Listening does not stop at 4 pm, but the physical travelling does. Dreamtime is open for listening as well. I will begin with following my outline for each of the days, and recognize that some days I will likely walk the distance that I have set out, but other days, I might not take 2 steps.   This has to be okay.

Travel to and from the beginning and ending points during the day is also in the air, and I am continuing to put the word out for travel arrangements, and perhaps a person or two to grab some documentary footage (I have most of the equipment for that already). I will work with each of these concerns however they land.

There is a day or two that I have other things going on. (I promised my daughter that I would go on a school trip to Medieval Times with her on the day after beginning, this is on my bucket list, now I just have to get there with Liam). There is also much water in TO to listen to as well!

I will be out on the road listening for 13 days. (14 if you count TO).

This listening adventure has already begun, but will get physical  beginning on June 9th, and I will be in Goderich to complete this section of the adventure on or before June 25th, 2010.

This is a spiritual walk.